The Word of God


Sorry I haven’t posted much lately, I have been sick and really busy with school 😦

Anyway, I was supposed to write a persuasive essay for school so I wrote about the Bible’s validity. I got to use lots of big awesome words, lol.

Here it is if you are interested!


The Bible is more accurate than it is usually given credit for. Actually, according to scientific tests the Bible is one of the most historically accurate books ever written. And yet, many scientists dismiss it as some mere myth. Scientists and historians use this test to determine whether the document is valid or not. This test has three basic parts: the Bibliographic Test, the Internal Test, and the External Test.

The Bibliographic Test is to see if the text has been changed or altered since it was originally written. Archeologists have found over thirteen thousand copies of the New Testament! That is way more copies than the Homer’s Iliad which only has about six hundred forty-three, and many manuscripts of the Bible date back only eighty to four hundred years after it was written. This means that historians can go back and compare them to see if they all match, which surprisingly, they do. Also, seven hundred sixty-four of the fifteen thousand, six hundred lines in Homer’s Iliad are in question- yet no one seems to question its validity. The Bible is far more carefully preserved than any other book in history.

The Internal Test is to see if the writers were telling the truth. Many people claim that the Bible holds “inconsistencies” such as one book records a Roman official coming to ask Jesus to heal his slave, while the gospel of Luke records the Roman official sending people in his place. While this seems like a big contradiction, it is easily explained by understanding people back then: if a master sent his slave to do something for him, people saw no difference between the two. So Luke was just being more detailed then John, but they do not contradict each other. Also, the Bible states that Jesus performed incredible miracles in front of huge crowds, and at the time the Bible was written the people who witnessed these things were still alive to contradict any deviation from the truth. In fact, these people were people who absouletly hated Jesus, so they would not have heisted to point out and false thing in the Bible. So the writers of the Gospels would have had had incredible pressure on them to record it accurately. So the it is incredibly unlikely that they were lying.

The final test is the External test. This test is to see if historical evidence such as archeology confirms or denies what is stated. There are some times in the Bible that it seems like what it says could never be true in a million years, such as when Mark records that Jesus healed a blind man as he was leaving Jericho, but Luke, who appeared to be writing of the same event, says it happened as he was approaching Jericho. This seems impossible, but excavations in 1907-09 by an archeologist named Ernest Sellin showed that there were two cities of Jericho around the time of Jesus Christ. Also, Paul writes about a meat market in Corinth, and an inscription has been found that refers to ‘the meat market’. Obviously, the authors of the Bible knew what they were talking about.

The Bible is one of the most, if not THE most historically accurate books of all time, and so it deserves to be respected far better than it has been. Perhaps it even deserves for some people to return to it and reexamine it for themselves, what would they have to loose? It passes every part of the test, even better than most books. So, according to science, the Bible is not fiction, but fact.

  1. Nice. You wrote this for your school? That’s cool.

  2. Very awesome Drake! I love the information. I have a book that says a lot of what you said too, but it never mentioned the thoughts of the bible contradicting itself. I never even noticed those contradictions. I was wondering where you got your information. I am extremely curious about the contradictions, and really want to read more.

    Love Izzie

    • lol im surprised you never heard of the “contradictions” look it up online. there are tons of people who are trying to disprove the Bible and it shouldnt be hard to find them

      • haha I guess I just never looked. 🙂 thanks

  3. Oh yea! Thanks for finally posting something. :p

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